Campaign kicks off in solidarity with healthcare workers and pro-vaccination trade unionists

Following the shocking scenes of known neo-Nazis and members of the far-right joining anti-vax construction workers in riots demanding the right to overwhelm the health system under the guise of “freedom”, CARF held a public forum last Tuesday to discuss how anti-fascists should respond. The meeting was attended by over 630 people opposing right-wing attacks on unions. 

The following night, over 360 activists met to start organising an emergency response to the fascist riots. We launched a new campaign under the slogan PRO-VAX, PRO-UNION, ANTI-FASCIST.

Through this campaign we started the #DontScabGetTheJab photo petition for trade unionists and anti-fascists to show their support for healthcare workers and opposition to the anti-vaxxers. Today, we've coordinated a massive run of posters and stickers across the city and suburbs. Over 230 anti-fascists have hit the streets to cover Melbourne in pro-vax, pro-union messages.


Get involved in the campaign, donate to help us print posters, stickers and badges, and come along to our next organising meeting.

Send us your photo through any of our social media, or use the hashtag and tag us on:


The far-right figures involved in the anti-vax, anti-lockdown movement


When neo-Nazis fled Northcote Plaza with egg on their faces